Creating safe and healthy work environments through biological safety consulting and services.
Controlled environments - healthcare, research, life science and pharmaceuticals.
Canisters/Housings is required under many different circumstances based on the use of the Safety Cabinet and Facility. In most cases, Biological Safety Cabinets require gaseous decontamination as part of same annual preventative maintenance and certification (NATA testing). The simple answer whether your BSC2 cabinet requires gaseous decontamination comes down to two important factors, a) has it been used for handling pathogens that are WHO category 2 pathogens or higher and/or b) where regulatory compliance requires the facility to do so. In most cases, it is both.
In January 2021, The Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) released the DAFF Approved Arrangement 5.2 – Biosecurity containment level 2 (BC2) Informative Text and in Section 16.5 (b) requirements for a profiled gaseous decontamination process to be undertaken on all types and sizes of BSC2 used within the facility using one of the recommended DAFF gaseous decontamination methods.
Biosafety International can perform validation study of biological safety cabinet decontamination with chlorine dioxide gas or other methods to satisfy the DAFF Approved Arrangement 5.2 – Biosecurity containment level 2 (BC2) Informative Text - Section 16.5 (b)requirements for a profiled gaseous decontamination process. This can include the entire process or peer reviewing an inhouse or third-party sub-contractor method.
Biosafety uses Realtime chemical monitoring data and biological validation to provide a 6-log sporicidal reduction of the test species and meets the target parameters for gaseous decontamination in Section 16.4 of the DAFF Approved Arrangement 5.2 – Biosecurity containment level 2 (BC2) Informative Text. Biological indicator validation is undertaken as per Section 16.6 of the DAFF Approved Arrangement 5.2 – Biosecurity containment level 2 (BC2) Informative Text with results of microbiological growth. Full profiled reporting is available as well. The same process for PC2/3 and 4 OGTR Licensed premises can also adopt this methodology.
For more information, contact us via our contact form click here
Biosafety International offers testing services across Australia.
Our testing and commissioning services include;
Biosafety International is also able to offer cabinet, room and equipment decontamination services for workstations that require decontamination prior to testing and servicing under AS/NZS2243 Safety in Labotatories Standards (AS/NZS2243.3 for Microbiological Safety and AS/NZS2243.8/9 for Fume Cupboards/Cabinets). Biosafety is committed to providing the best service available through our focus on quality outcomes for clients.
Biosafety International can offer Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Physical/Biological/Chemical exposure testing to complement the above, depending on the requirements of the project.
For more information on chlorine dioxide gaseous decontamination click here
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